McAfee FOCUS 2010


Session Information

McAfee Executive Summit will feature a comprehensive agenda designed to address the major issues in security and give you proven solutions.

Steve RedmanWelcome & Asia Pacific Directions
Steve Redman, President Asia Pacific, McAfee
Asia Pacific is one of the fastest growing regions for McAfee. As President, Steve Redman has been responsible for increased investment in headcount, services and facilities. Steve will highlight the changes occurring in the Asia Pacific market and how they will affect your organization.

GerhardKeynote Address: McAfee:
The Next Three Years - Vision, Strategy
& Execution

Gerhard Watzinger, Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Business Development, McAfee

Cybercrime is rising at an ever-increasing pace and the traditional approach to security is no longer enough. Gerhard will discuss the state of global security and reveal McAfee’s strategy, which is built around Security Risk Management – an approach that has made McAfee the fastest growing leading security company.

Mike SentonasCTO Update: Vision, Technology Trends
for 2010 and Beyond

Michael Sentonas, Vice President & Asia Pacific CTO, McAfee

2010 has seen some of the most significant
and sophisticated cyber attacks activities taking place in the Asia Pacific region. Michael Sentonas will discuss the dual role that technology plays in facilitating and preventing cybercrime. He will highlight the form and magnitude of the threats posed, discuss innovations and provide his vision for a technology rich future to enable
successful detection, prevention and mitigation capabilities.

Stuart McClureHow Your Peers Manage and
Reduce Risk

Stuart McClure, CTO, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Risk & Compliance Business, McAfee

Managing and reducing risk is a core objective of any CIO. Security is not just an issue for the CSO but ultimately goes all the way up to the board. Stuart will speak to the challenge that companies face with regulation and compliance.

Marc OlesenSecurity Protection from the Cloud
Marc Olesen, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Content & Cloud Security, McAfee

With the proliferation of malware, spam and overall threats, coupled with restricted IT budgets, it is imperative to secure your business quickly and cost effectively. McAfee Security-as-a-Service solutions allow you to focus on securing your business. Our cloud-based solutions offer the most comprehensive protection for endpoints, web and email traffic and the ability to proactively identify vulnerabilities. McAfee is focused on utilizing the cloud to predict and prevent cybercrime to save you time and money.

Manish GuptaBuilding an Impenetrable Network
Manish Gupta, VP Product Management, GM NAC, McAfee

The threat environment is constantly growing and
evolving, challenging CIOs to provide sufficient level of protection while leveraging the same amount of budget
and headcount. Manish will introduce the new trends in network security, including next generation firewall, IPS, NAC and Network Behavior Analysis. These weapons enabling you to provide maximum protection for your
critical business assets, against attacks from both outside and inside.

Gerhard WatzingerStrategies for Protecting Data Assets
Gerhard Watzinger, Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Business Development, McAfee

The protection of data assets is a primary issue
facing today’s business leaders and one that Gerhard frequently discusses with CIOs around the world.
Gerhard will share some strategies and best practices
for securing corporate data

SujayDrafting a Quantifiable Business Case
for Security - A RoSI debate

Sujay Nair, CEO & Editor, Enigma Interactive

Organisations need practical security benchmarking tools in order to plan effective security strategies. Defining and measuring Return on Security Investments is a must for CSOs and CISOs. Some of the key questions being answered by CSOs and CISOs are: how does a business know when its security level is reasonable, and what is the right amount of money and time to invest in security?
There are several usable equations, and starting points on creating a measurement program and during this session we will broadly discuss and debate them in an attempt to draft a quantifiable business case of information security in Indian organisations.

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